Sunday, June 9, 2019



     This anime follows a heart-warming yet tragic plot,making it beautiful love story. Tomoya is a high school delinquent who meets a girl named Nagisa in his school,who is supposed to be his senior but is held back a year due to illness.Because of this,she doesn't have any friends but befriends Tomoya easily. The story is basically a high school romance and drama. Alot of new characters are introduced and almost each one has a unique personality,like Sunohara who is Tomoya's best friend,Nagisa's parents who get a wonderful character development as the plot proceeds and their story is explained. Frankly,it is rare to see parents in animes as they may make the plot boring ,but these characters proved this thought wrong .

           The entire plot is pretty good but the anime does not explain it well.After the wedding in Clannad-After Story,the story becomes difficult to grasp.The story becomes dark and especially after Nagisa's death.

The animation quality is exceptional considering it was aired in 2004.


Animation Quality ⇒ 9/10
Plot ⇒ 8/10
Character Development ⇒ 9/10
Over all story ⇒ 9/10

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